
Sudden Fiction

You have a goal: write. Life gets in the way and somehow it doesn’t happen. Perhaps you’re waiting for inspiration or the one great topic. Sudden Fiction is designed to prove that you can write without a lightning bolt. Sudden Fiction is foundation to help you create your writing practice.

Class limit: 8

Final Draft

From prompt to final draft:  A week long workshop with the goal of a completed short story.  Trust your creative self to draft a story. Engage your internal editor to revise and enhance your draft. Polish the piece to make it submission ready.

Class limit: 6

Write to Finish

Write to Finish crafted for novelists and memoirists who struggle to overcome hurdles and blocks on the road to completion. We will work to enhance detail, character and place for a solid draft and create a project plan to get to the finish line. The class includes but is not limited to the review process, editing, readers and submission. Get the tools to bring your book to fruition.

Class limit: 8

The Memoirists Dilemma

Every writer struggles with TRUTH. It is a particular battle for the memoir writer. The Memoirists Dilemma helps you navigate the sometimes murky waters of life to write your story. We pinpoint the relevant and relative scope, time frame and truth of your work. Whose truth? Your truth! You’ve lived an interesting life; let’s get it on the page.

Class limit: 8

Define your role as Author and Create your Writer’s Platform

Today’s writer must also be a marketer of their work. Regardless of publication path understand your options and the best ways to leverage your marketing materials and available tools across multiple social media outlets.

Class limit: 6

Check the Events page for Writing Classes in your area.